Wednesday, June 23, 2010

never saw this ones before *ack*

this stuff counteracts the sarah palin/teabagger bullshit pretty well.

brother Larry AKA taillight larry AKA larry laverda

the black sausage calls me today..."you gonna be at work til closing? I'll come see ya." OK, cool, a visit from Taillight Larry Elliott is always welcome. He is the poet laureate of the MMMC after all, and just-back from a cross-country to Memphis, Tenn and back again, visiting girlfriends and family alike (google Supercycle and Elvis together for the 411 on that)...prolly wanting to share pics and stories............. but no, he shows-up on his fuckin' Laverda that he's owned since '77 and has been defunct for most of the time I've known him!!!

Just look at this bitchenly-composed pic of him as he split on it! fuckin'-a made my day!

seems that the club has really been gettin' somewhere with all the old machinery lately...

Monday, June 7, 2010

we needed this *so* badly

yes, if you're keeping score at home, this would be our 2nd pop-up trailer. came loaded with all the extras; on the super cheap & 1/2 mile from my parents' house. got back last night. This will hold us over until the 1st Starcraft is ready to go camping.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

long, strange trip on youtube

holy shit, I just brought-up Rob Base & DJ Easy Rock to show Des where a sample from a fave song of hers came from, and went from there to my fave Pet Shop Boys song, "2 divided by zero" to RJD Black Sabbath videos (lots) to Motorhead to Iron Maiden to Hawkwind, to 1 Mettallica dalliance to Rush videos and interviews til I ended-up watching some high-school girl at band practice playing YYZ on triangle. whoa. and now we're here... ah, memories of Shara's Subaru Legacy's stereo at full blast.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

like Abraham at a track meet...

...the Lincoln runs! Spent some time with it this weekend, hotwired it, then floored it with my left hand while I was upside down beneath the dashboard! Ignition! Spark! RPMs increasing, dust and exhaust and rust in a tornado of VICTORY! ...until all the excitement got the fuel pump (which I'd temporarily disabled, see pic below) to start working, which shot old gas all over the front of the engine and made all of the belts jump their pulleys! Still, I'm counting this one as a victory.