1976 Chevrolet Malibu: Still running well, drove it to work today. To do: Smog check, registration, replace windshield and fast back windows, get the thing re-tinted. Bonus; Original Parts Group in nearby Seal Beach, CA, has started re-poping interior panels for 73-77 Chevelles! I've finally broken through the dreaded 1972 cap! I'm cool!
1969 Chevrolet C20 Stepside LWB: brought the neighbors out with an earth-shattering backfire, then got it running for 10 whole minutes! Tried to rewire it with Brother Gary's contributions, but the majorly burned parts on my harnesses are the missing parts from his. Decided to put my X-mas gift certs to work...new wire harnesses, $359. Hopefully in the mail already.
1991 Subaru Legacy SW: still rocking, though both electric mirrors have decided to give-up and look skyward, possibly yearning for a release from this earthly coil. But I say no-dice, baby! Stuck some Bic pens in 'em to keep 'em correctly oriented, tres chic.
1975 Honda CB550 K1: Just picked-up the seat from Mike at LB Line-X! Got it diamond stitched and foamed, and it looks bitchen! Plus, got the bike running 2 days ago...amazing what putting gas in the thing does.
1975 BMW R75/6: Needs fork seals, new brakes, clutchwork, etc etc etc, but continues to rock and roll on a daily basis. Love that bike. Went to brother John's Airhead Tech Day 2009 last Saturday on the thing in the rain and rejoiced in the beemerness of it all.
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